Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Guess what happened today!!!!!!!!!???

Well, alot happened today. It snowed, we had biscuits and gravy, and we got our SCIENCE TESTS BACK! Heehee, sorry, I'm just really enjoying the normalness of school life! Like the fact that I failed my test....yeah...I probably shouldnt have guessed on half and left the other half blank...heehee!

OOO! And we started on the new spring music. :) But I got out of orchestra and practice because Moses was fixing my violin so it was in a few pieces... :) And I brought my guitar back from break! It's nice playing my own guitar instead of someone else's and having to be uber careful.

Last night we had a candy party in my room! It was awesome because it was like completely random! I was just sitting in my room, and Saraiah walked in to get her pants back that I had borrowed, so she stayed, then Sam came to pick up her Christmas present, and she stayed, then Morgan came in to ask if Anne was in her room, so she stayed, then heather came in to....well I'm not sure. But she stayed too! So we got out the candy and Sam got popcorn and we had a party. hehe.

Oh and yesterday we had PE, or it was torture, we did the circut...EEEEWWWW! What didnt help was that I had forgotten it was PE that day...and I wore a skirt. That didn't turn out well, so I borrowed soem jeans, well apparently I lost some weight or something cause they were too big. So I spent PE holding up my pants while running the stairs. :P

Ok well I'm done with my randomness.


  1. wow! Nothing has changed with you has it.

  2. Sorry...this blog was a bit hyper. But nope! I'm the same ole me.
