Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break

It's sooooooooooo beautiful outside today! It's started warming up and being all springyfull! I'm really excited because it's almost spring break! I should probably be bummed that I'm staying here but I'm kinda psyched still. I can do another spring cleaning of my room! Ok...I'm officially a dork, my reason for being excited isn't just for spring cleaning really! I swear! I can also go outside, I enver get to go outside because I have an inside job, so being outside is a real treat for me, and hopefully I can get a tan? I'm the whitest I've ever been in my whole life! I guess it comes with always being indoors. ANyhoo, I'm gonna do a bunch of studying and get ahead in chemistry too. Wow, I really nave no life. HELP!!!! What do I do??? Most people my age are excited for spring break because they're gonna go party on the beach or something and I'm excited for spring cleaning and extra school work. Ok...So I need something exciting to do. A big project...Like....make Popsicles....Yeha thats it. Ok everyone! Announcement! I'm a geek.

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