What started as a normal little shopping trip ended in DISASTER. (OK so I'm a drama queen...shoot me.)
Mom and I decided to go shopping, and since it was really hot out I dragged mom to the city bus stop. One thing you should know is that bus's in Albania are very different from buses in America. We climbed on but in the crowd me and Mom got separated, but it wasn't really a big deal cause she was still on the same bus. I didn't really need to grab the handle since there was so many people squished in there I probably could have held myself up that way but I didn't really want to...Coincidentally I just happened to be squished up against this guy in his late 20's early 30's, and he kept staring! Staring and grinning like a cat in a bird house, so I tried to look everywhere else, wow what a nice pair of shoes that lady has! And that peeling paint on the bus wall is really interesting! But alas! It would not be that easy, he asked my name so I pretended not to hear, so he asked again but when someone is pressed up against you in your face it's really hard to pretend you cant hear them. So finally I answered him as short as possible "Moriah" I know it was stupid to tell him but I completely forgot about using fake names! And I'm really bad at being rude to people...I should be meaner!
So anyway, he couldn't hear me and thought my name was Mary, so I let him think that.He kept flirting and I kept trying to ignore him but apparently he cant take a hint. Most Albanian guys are like that come to think of it... He kept trying to talk to me but it was so loud I couldn't hear him, but before he could make me hear his question we pulled up to a stop, it wasn't mien but I jumped off anyway hoping to get rid of him. But he got off too...Mom didn't get the memo that I was off till the bus was pulling away and she jumped off while it was moving. Go Mom! Good thing too, I didn't wanna be stuck with that guy alone!
Mom and I decided this would be a good time to cross the street, guess who crossed too! Yeah...He did. So we decided to turn, he turned too, so we went down a side road and saw some friends so we stopped to talk. I thought we had lost him but then there he came walking down the road! He slowly walked by and then stopped, we said goodbye to our friends and left the way we had come and of course he turned around too and followed us back out. By then it was getting just a little bit creepy, so we went down another alley and Mom pulled me into a random hair salon.
So I got stuck in a chair to have my bangs cut, my side bangs which I only needed a tiny trim on. But nooooo...Instead the lady chopped them all off! So now I have too short straight across bangs. And I will wear a bag over my head for the rest of the summer...OK, so I'll pin them up, but it's just as bad!
My head is officially ruined but the good news is we lost the stalker guy.
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