Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I've had an extremely random week! I think I'm overtired because I keep having the best blonde moments....For example: it was night time and I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed and I rolled over and opened my eyes in the dark and all I saw was a grayish white. I freaked out for maybe 2 seconds thinking my eyes had taken quite a drastic turn for the worse before realizing that I was staring at the wall.

During work last week we were pouring 7 year old smushed jellied peach guts into compost buckets. We were working on a table and we had to change buckets every 5 minutes or so, so me being the delusional person that I am decided that I was buff enough to move the big bucket of peach goo to the ground. But alas my strength failed me and I managed to pick it up and then the weight was too heavy so it came down with a thud....and the rotten peach goo splashed out of the bucket and all over me!
But every once in a while it's good to reflect on other peoples blonde moments, so that's what we'll do now. :) A friend and I were walking down the road following Mr Rass who was teaching our class about wild edibles. I was feeling really warm when everyone else was cold so I asked my friend if she would feel my forehead to see if I had a fever, she missed the fever part and looked very confused, I repeated my request so she awkwardly poked my forehead, I gave her a weird look so she started petting my forehead. Finally she realized what I was asking and it all worked out, but it was pretty hilarious to be standing there on the road with someone petting your face.

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