Monday, April 19, 2010

One more day

One more day.

One more day of the comforting sounds of home. Of the albanian language flowing from the radio, of the ball bouncing outside my gate as little boys play football. The soft sound of the wind blowing through the pines....the wagons rolling down the street, my roma's calling my name. My puppy padding through the halls and eventually waiting for me at my door till I come pick him up. Who will pick him up now?

I walked up on the roof today and just gazed at the mist covered mountain, the feild ready to be planted, the little muddy road leading to the village. No matter how far I go I never want to forget that scene. I'll never forget this place as long as I live.

Goodbye Shqiperia

1 comment:

  1. What a depressing post Moriah! :-) Whatever your future holds though, always remember that God has a plan for your life. No matter what you have to leave behind, no matter what changes you have to make in your life, God will always be there for you, surprising you with new and even more wonderful things than you have had to leave behind.

    But never, ever let go of the memories you have made there in Albania. Once they are lodged in your memory, they will always be there to refresh you whenever you find a quiet place to meditate on God's leading in your past. You'll always be able to follow that little muddy road to your Albanian village, and nobody will ever be able to take those memories away from you!
