Friday, November 30, 2012

My Exciting Pumpkin Story

Most kids make the excuse of “the dog ate my homework!” Not Mia…
There I was, sitting in class, wondering if I should make it known to MR Corrigan of my dilemma.  Slowly I raised my hand, “Um…I need a new quiz sheet.”  “Oh did you lose it?” “Well….you see there was an unfortunate incident with a pumpkin…”
Ok, so last week I was working farm for Mr. Alistair and he gave me a particularly cool job. I got to sit in a bin filled with pumpkins and clean them. That’s right; I was given a rag and told to wipe the pumpkins clean so we could sell them. I was having a blast, scrubbing away on the pumpkins when I got a bright idea. A few of us have an American thanksgiving dinner every year since we don’t get to celebrate it in Canada. In the pie department we usually just make apple because it’s the most accessible.  But here I was sitting in a big box of pumpkins! So I asked, nay! I begged Mr. Alistair for just one little pumpkin. After a lot of convincing he gave me a little pumpkin with a tiny little bad spot about as big as my thumb. I happily trotted back the school building with my precious pumpkin and stuck it in my locker. Where I promptly forgot it…You see I am one of the privileged few that have 2 lockers. I usually don’t put anything important in that locker, just papers and books and school stuff.
The weekend came and went and here I am on Tuesday, I was trying to find this one book I had lost so naturally I went to look in the forsaken locker. Much to my dismay I found that my precious pumpkin was rotted and nasty. After just a couple days! What a rip off…. And with it, went all my marriage and family papers, all my English papers, and a few overtime slips. Even my book of great American authors! This was indeed a sad day.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Good news! I'm almost done with my identity paper! I just have to finish the works cited and find people to edit it....does anybody want to edit it? :D If not, that's OK too. :)
I've really gotten a blessing out of writing this paper, it's helped me realize a lot about myself and the actions of people around me. We all have different pasts and different futures, so how can we compare the present?

Anyway, I have to get to class so I'll have to tell you my exciting pumpkin story later. :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Me is back!

So I have recently been trying to make a big decision about whether to go on the filming trip to Europe with my senior class or go to college next summer and find a job. I think I'm gonna go with the that lame? I just...It's a little bit scary going to college, I'm a very independent person but this is a whole new ball game for me. I'm going from a place where everything is decided for you to a place where you have to make all your own decisions. I need to pick my own classes, by the way for PE should I take soccer or rock climbing? Anyway, I have to handle my own money, I already do that but not tot eh same extent...I have to handle job interviews and find my way around a new and bigger campus. I have to make good choices, everything from what I eat to...well yeah everything!
I have a feeling I'm going to get scared and retract into my own little bubble. But I guess that also a choice I need to make, whether I'm going to be buried in responsibility's or have fun in life.
On another note, Cali tour is comin on up! I'd be lying if I said I was stoked for it but I'll be glad for a change in schedule and scenery. I'm mainly looking forward to Christmas break and GYC. It'll be awesome to spend time with my sister and brother in law.
And on spring break the baby arrives! Oh my word I'm so excited! Mom will be there for the birth so I'll get to see her too. :)
You know what I probably could have worded that better. To all who just got shocked and very worried, I say this, "It's not my baby!" I'm gonna be an aunt! Haha, probably freaked somebody out for a minute there...Dats kinda funny...
Well hey I gotta run to work, sorry I haven't written in such a long time. I had um...technical difficulties. Along with eh fact that I was pretty busy. What with school and music and now I have double stuff to practice because we started recording orchestra. ANyways I really gotta run. Asta la bye bye!