Friday, October 12, 2012

European Hick

Wow, I haven't written anything in a while! So we just got back from thanksgiving break, except I didn't go anywhere anyway so I was actually glad that school was starting again! But I did get to drive the harvester like every day of break so that was a lot of fun!
Life is good. very busy...Today we have like a half day of school so we can practice for a concert tomorrow. So then we have 2 concerts on Sabbath and then on Sunday it's fall picnic! So exciting! It's pretty much my favorite time of year! Except for Christmas... I cant wait for Christmas break! :)
So I realized today that my blog really has no rhyme or reason, I don't stay on one topic and it's just sorta...random! But then again I'm pretty random myself, and since this blog is really more of a diary then a blog I see no problem with being weird. :)
I have so many things to look forward to right now, I'm a person who really likes to daydream about the future. I love it! Seriously...I would rather work alone then with people because when I'm alone I can think. Work is like  my favorite time of day just cause I can think during it.
Oh guess what! I had to write this poem about where I'm from. So I wrote a poem called "European Hick" I figure that pretty much covers all the bases of where I'm from. :P All in all it's really a pretty lame poem and not my best work but hey, I had to write it in like an hour because I wrote another poem but I didn't like it so I erased it and had to write a whole new one! And if you think I'm posting it your so wrong! :P Anyways I gotta get to class. Byeee

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fire Drill

Well I fugure I'm wide awake now so I might as well post.
There I was, not 10 minutes ago, lying in my bed, just drifting off to sleep when all of the sudden "BLLLRIIIIIN! BLLLRIIIIING!!! BLLLRIIIIING!" After being at Fountainview for 3 years they finally got around to having a fire drill at the girls dorm...tonight. So I had to run down 2 flights of stairs in my bathrobe and bare feet. It was freezing! So after standing outside for like 10 minutes we were finally allowed back inside, but the sirens were still blaring for another 5 minutes. So here I am, wide awake and needing to be up at 5:30. I'm helping make breakfast tomorrow! So I'm gonna go count sheep or something...but that's weird...Maybe I'll count something I like. I'll count pickles.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I survived senior survival!

I survived! Yay!!!!!
So I finally went on senior survival, after waiting and watching and many conspiracy theories, we finally left. It was 6:12 AM, I was sitting on Julie's bed watching her curl her hair when the announcement went off. Mrs Bells sweet calm voice came over the speaker saying "Attention seniors, you have 8 minutes to be at the school building" and that was when chaos broke loose. I jumped opff her bed and ran through the halls flying up to my room 3 floors up screaming "I'm gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" all the lower graders peeked their heads out of their rooms to watch our frantic scamper of trying to get our things together. They laughed at us.

So 8 minutes later we were all crammed on the bus and headed to who knows where before dawn, before breakfast, and more importantly before a shower. When we finally got to our location Julie and I found a nice tree stump on which to make our home. We spent the rest of the day gathering leaves for our shelter, in my hunt for leaves I came across mushrooms, after getting them approved my Mr Rass they were my main staple for the 4 days we were out there in the wilderness. It was cold, I was hungry and I even lost 7 pounds, but it was so much fun! I would never do it again by myself but I would totally do it again with my class. We got so much closer, I got to know people that I'd gone to school with for years but never really gotten to know.
The last night we were there was definitely the weirdest. Julie and I shared a shelter, now the shelter we had to build was so small that we had to sleep completely straight and if you moved your knees you would potentially knock down your shelter. So we slept as if in a straight jacket, but somehow, sometime in the night, I somehow got all the way down to the place where my knees were supposed to be and then I popped up out of my shelter and into the moonlight, I don't remember how I got there, but somehow I found myself with half my body out of my shelter, I tried to scoot back in but it was too tight a squeeze and I couldn't make it. So I sat there wondering what to do, after some thought and a few hallucinations/dreams, I simply curled up right there and pulled the leaves over my head and burrowed down for the night. Surprisingly, it was the warmest night I'd spent out there in the wilderness. But in the morning however, Julie couldn't find me, there she was sleeping right next to me and I had simply disappeared, she knew I couldn't have left throughout the doorway because her body WAS the door. She went looking for me and finally found me, buried in leaves halfway in the foot of our shelter.
Needless to say it was quite the camping trip.