Friday, October 12, 2012

European Hick

Wow, I haven't written anything in a while! So we just got back from thanksgiving break, except I didn't go anywhere anyway so I was actually glad that school was starting again! But I did get to drive the harvester like every day of break so that was a lot of fun!
Life is good. very busy...Today we have like a half day of school so we can practice for a concert tomorrow. So then we have 2 concerts on Sabbath and then on Sunday it's fall picnic! So exciting! It's pretty much my favorite time of year! Except for Christmas... I cant wait for Christmas break! :)
So I realized today that my blog really has no rhyme or reason, I don't stay on one topic and it's just sorta...random! But then again I'm pretty random myself, and since this blog is really more of a diary then a blog I see no problem with being weird. :)
I have so many things to look forward to right now, I'm a person who really likes to daydream about the future. I love it! Seriously...I would rather work alone then with people because when I'm alone I can think. Work is like  my favorite time of day just cause I can think during it.
Oh guess what! I had to write this poem about where I'm from. So I wrote a poem called "European Hick" I figure that pretty much covers all the bases of where I'm from. :P All in all it's really a pretty lame poem and not my best work but hey, I had to write it in like an hour because I wrote another poem but I didn't like it so I erased it and had to write a whole new one! And if you think I'm posting it your so wrong! :P Anyways I gotta get to class. Byeee

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