Thursday, July 1, 2010

The greater reward.

Why does God give us trials? Because they lead up to something great, if you didnt have trials you would have missed out on the great reward to come.

I was so busy being deppressed about what happened to me in Albania that I couldnt move on in my life. Untill I stopped to think that if that hadnt have happened I wouldnt be here at Fountainview Academy. I'm not sure why God wants me here but I know I feel this is where I'm supposed to be.

I didnt realize how much I missed being with fellow christians, I had lost so much of my faith in God and I didnt even realize it because I never talked about it. A few days ago I spent my hour of free time outside just talking and listening to God. It was so refreshing to be able to just talk through my problems. I had been so stressed and deppressed before, and then God helped me realize what he has in store for me is so much greater then my little stress's in life.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Once I understand that God is in control and has my best interest in mind, even the worst trials become bearable!
