Sunday, August 29, 2010

Do's and DONT's of academy life.

Living in a dorm is such an interesting and great learning experience. For example this week I have learned what to and what not to do.

1. Don't sing opera in the hallways on your way to the shower because people will not be pleased....

2. If you leave your pillow in the lobby for 10 minutes while your in someones room it will be confiscated and has to be bought back for 2 dollars.

3. Korean Ramen is purely AWESOME!

4. Dont leave your room key in your locker at the school building.

5. Don't let it be known that you have candy in your will be swamped.

6. Don't us the microwave on all 3 floors at the same time, you WILL short out the system.

7. When deans check your computer make sure there's no Taylor swift....

8. Apparently according to my science teacher facebook is an evil tool of the devil.

9. It would be wise to study during study hall.....

10. Don't chew gum in science class

11. If you study late at night you will fall asleep in science.....and your friends will graffiti your arms.

12. When finding a study partner...make sure the person is smarter then you.


  1. Yo. I likey likey. Sounds el coolo grande. This is an ol pal. Take care Mia. I will post as soon as I can. I have a job offer in California right now, so until I get a affirmative yes or no, I won't be saying anything about it on my blog. If I get it I will for sure let you know. My number is 262-737-4195. Take care. Still rooting, worrying, and praying for you!

    Dougie also know as.... :)

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