Sunday, January 8, 2012

Game night!

Today has been a very busy day for me. I'm practicing reading my speech that I have to give opn Monday and it's very scary! I was practicing hand gestures in the mirror while I read but I got distracted and started singing a song and dancing around my room to veggie tales..then Raina came in and we had a nutella party, except it was hard cuz I put it in the fridge so we dug it out with a pocket knife. I really need to go finish marking my GC but I'm gonna do that afetr I get back from the secret project I'm workign on. So I'll probably start around 4:30 or so...and by then Saraiah will probably be back from the airport so then we'll talk and I'll get distracted some more. Hey at least I'm planning my distractions ahead of time.
OO! And I got my ipod back from he deans so that was exciting..and I cleaned my room I was very proud of myself for that feat! Even organized my closet...kinda. :P
So last night was games night, we had 3 games that we were supposed to rotate between in our groups. But I stayed outside in the active game the whole time because honestly the group thinking games are'nt that fun to me. See, there is always the leaders who take control and figure everything out and then there's people like me who kinda sit in the background awkwardly trying to help. So I opted for sneaking into the other groups action game. It was pretty fun! We played capture the flag and dare base. A bunch of people were too scared to go accross the line and risk gettign caught but I got sick of standing still so I walked right across their line and got caught and put in jail but at least it's more interesting than taunting each other from across a line! I mean's a game, if you lose you lose, no big deal. The point is to have fun.

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