Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Senior Year!

Wow, so there's only like 10 more days left of me being in Albania! I gotta say, I'm really happy to be going back to school next week, I miss people! I miss a few people a whole lot. And I'm completely stoked to be starting senior year! I'm a lil bit scared to graduate but a whole lot excited! But I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself, 1st semester hasn't even started yet and I'm talking about being done!
So, here are some of my biggest highlights of senior year. #1-Rooming with Julie, we're gonna have so much fun! And it will really be nice to live with someone who I'm compatible with, who wont look at me weird when I'm doing something crazy, who wont snap blackmail photo's while I'm asleep, who gets along fine with my bazaar study habits of making everything into a story, even electrons! Someone who sings just as loud as I do in the shower, and who will go running with me every morning! Lets just say she's amazing!
#2- call me crazy but I'm really stoked to be learning how to do CPR, write a huge identity paper in which I can completely be me, and take a class to learn how to be married and raise kids.
#3- I'm just happy to be alive! I think it's going to be a really great year! Gosh, I need to stop being such an optimist! Actually...take that back, I like it. It's fun. :)

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