Monday, July 25, 2011

Dads, Dirt, and Diarys!

I just got back from work! In fact my hands and feet are still covered with mud...actually...all of me is! :) But that's OK! I had quite the day...I spent the entire work period this afternoon being quizzed about who I liked. *sigh* Why are girls so darn insistent that I have to like somebody?! What happened to the good ole days when boys had cooties? That was a simpler life...But moving on!
I'm really happy! We're getting ready to go to ASI next week! :D I'm soooo excited! I get to see all my friends from school and even my childhood best friend who lives down there. Plus concerts and that stuff to do. We have practice tomorrow night for our concerts at ASI.
OOOooOOO00OO! Guess what we did yesterday!!!!!!!!!! We went out for pizza!! Ok...that sounds small, but being at FVA and going out for pizza is quite a big thing! lol And then when we got back we went swimming and had a seaweed fight. :)
I cant wait for school to start, I miss people, and I miss having my own room too. I mean my roommates are totally sweet! But I guess I'm just a quiet person. I can take people for only so long, then I need time to retreat back to the silence of my room. I'm like my Mom that way I guess. I also discovered that me and my Dad have becoem a lot closer after I came to FVA. We didnt spend a whole lot of time together growign up but since I left home we've become a lot better friends! I mean...there's still misunderstandings, one happened a week or so ago actually. It cost me a good friend but...It meant a lot to know that my Dad cared that much about me to step into something he thought would hurt me. I knwo this probably is all jumbled and doesnt make sense. But this blog is pretty much my diary! I stopped writing in my paper one years's just easier this way. So you privileged few have the opportunity to take a peek into my diary!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry :( Can't continue to live my life like that. I felt like things were never let go. I'm glad that regardless of what it did to our friendship, that your Dad means more to you than he did before - wish I could say the same for my parents (actually I can :) ). As you go into a new school year, I want to just encourage you for what it is worth to stay close to God. He will lead you where you should go and what you should do. Cliche as it may sound be sure to tell those you care about that you love them. Someday they may ripped from you and you will be left with a gaping hole where they used to be. The second year is always either better or worse. Do all in God's power in your life to make it better (I found mine harder and it ended worse). Just hang onto the Big Man who leads your life. Take car Moriah. I know that the past is behind.

    Moving forward hoping to see you in Heaven,

