Sunday, September 23, 2012

Do YOU have an opinion?

I decided today that I need to change my news website. All I get on yahoo is random stuff that I really couldn't care less about. For example, here is today's headlines; top 5 games for the iPhone 5, low-fat foods aren't as healthy as you think, and a story about Miley Cyrus's new haircut. I mean really!?
America is severely going downhill if it's so caught up in celebrity drama and pointless entertainment to see whats really going on in the world. Right now I'm righting an essay on "the innocence of Muslims" and what I think about this whole situation. I must say it's very hard to be unbiased, it's hard to say what I want to say without coming across too harsh or sounding like a ditz and saying "what we need is world peace!".
I really should be more patriotic, but the way I see it is that there's no perfect country. Why should I fight tooth and nail for a country on earth? All kingdoms will one day fall, all leaders will eventually make mistakes, I'm patriotic for heaven, it's the only perfect place.
I have a lot of opinions, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people don't have an opinion, they just don't care. I mean sure, if someone asked me if I liked Britney spears better as a blonde or brunette I gotta say I don't really care enough to have an opinion, mainly because I don't want to waste brain power on something so shallow.But this summer I was talking to this one guy over chat, he wasn't much for substantial conversation so me being me I brought up a controversial subject and asked for his opinion. He said he didn't have one, he also said that he liked to just agree with everyone, that way everyone liked him.
It goes without saying that this kind of logic goes against every fiber of my being. I'm opposite, if someone has an opinion even if it differs from mien I would like them more then someone who has no opinion whatsoever just to play chameleon to those around them.


  1. I couldn't agree more. It is always something that bugs me when other teenagers are shallow, maybe I've grown up too fast, but it seems like we (teenagers) should be capable of more than that.

  2. Yes...fully agree with people driving me up the wall with no opinion...
    On that note I want to share my opinion on the innocence of Muslims...There is a ton of controversy over a pathetic video clip. When I started to watch that video clip it was one of the most pathetic things under the sun...I stopped like two minutes into it...anyway. Although the video was stupid, I think that in its lameness it essentially was proved true with the way the muslim world retaliated. Yes America has been biased against muslims (which I think is interesting because we were the ones that first caused agitation there with the persian war, and a bunch of other fighting that has occurred in the last century), but muslims are also very anti american in many places. I think that instead of finger pointing, saying that America is terrible, or that Ahmadinejad is a fruit cake we should say, we both made mistakes now lets forgive. That of course will never happen. Right now the muslims are being unrealistic. They do not have a big understanding of free speech over there so its understandable. No, the US should not go bomb them off the planet, but we should not let the hideous murder of our ambassador go by unnoticed. Any way..that is a piece of my two cents that you never asked for going on and on...
