Saturday, August 20, 2011


I had the WEIRDEST dream last night! I was was walking down the street and I saw a man packing a bunch of books in boxes somehow I knew he was packing up an old library. So I stopped to help him and I was trying to figure out how to give him a GLOW track. So I asked if he liked to read and he said yes so I was about to give him a GLOW track but then I realized I didn't have any with me. So right then a guy from FVA walked by and he stopped and gave me a GLOW to give to the guy. It was really odd...


  1. Cool dream! What is a Glow tract?

  2. It's just like a tiny little tract like a mini signs of the times. They have them on all kinds of topics like Gods love, natural disasters, what happens after we die...etc. :)
