Monday, August 8, 2011

YOU have a purpose

I wish people didn't make assumptions...What would life be like if everyone saw everyone else exactly the way they were? Like...what if all the bad people were ugly and all the nice people were beautiful? Like a reflection of their characters. Well...I suppose there would be a whole lot more ugly people in the world then beautiful ones. But it would be so much easier that way....

Sometimes I have no hope for humanity. People are so darn stubborn! I mean...I'm FAR from perfect but at least I try! So many people go through life content with being average. Well I dont want to be one of those people. God created me for a purpose, I'm not a accident, nobody is. Whether their parents meant to have them or not God knew them before they ever existed and he knew who they would be. He had a purpose for every one of them! I just wish everyone would see that.
While at ASI I got a job offer in India, and one in Ireland, both missionary positions. But I also had at least 10 people trying to convince me that I HAD to go to college. One man told me "NO matter what you must go to college, you'll never make any money otherwise and you will always regret it!." Well Mr...I dont care about money! Why are people so obsessed with money???? All I want is to spread the gospel! There is SO little time left! All the signs are happening showing the soon return of Christ! And when he comes...I dont want to say "Lord I was going to do something for you in 10 or 12 years, you know...after I finished high school, college and med school, made some money and then gave a little bit to poor people."
No. I dont care what it takes I WILL go into all nations preaching the gospel. Whether I get paid or not, God will provide.

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