Monday, January 31, 2011


Well I had fun in English class today! I turned in my essay and found out that for the next semester the grade 10's are doing special features in church, so we get to write speeches in class! It sounds kinda fun except for the fact that I have to front of people...a lot of people. But we're doing practice speeches in class, we have to interview someone and then make a speech on that person. Me and Saraiah are partners, so far all she has on me is that I was born in FL, have 1 older sister and 2 little brothers...and my parents names. Heehee, I'm gonna make her interview REALLY weird, all the randomest stuff I can think of! SO if anybody has any weird questions that would be ok for the whole class to hear let me know!

We're doing our first spring concert this weekend, I'm sad cause I thought I was finally done with that uniform of blackness for a while! But oh well....the music is fun!


  1. thats funny. Hey - enjoy school. Life is rough stuff for sure.

  2. Something I learned is that life's not rough, it's what you make it and how you look at it. And when it IS rough, it's who you turn to, and if it's God, he's gonna take care of you.
