Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow, blood, and borrow the stripple!

Had an awesome time sledding today! Half the school went sledding a little ways off campus. It was a blast! Me and Sam sat on her snow board and slid down the hill! :) Then I got in the sled behind Mr James and Eddy in the snow machine...that didn't turn out too well! Heehee...I kinda couldn't see cause of the snow flying into my face so....My face connected with a branch, it kinda hurt. But on the bright side there was some blood! But not enough of it to make it really cool. lol

So I got to go back early and eat Ramen in the dorm. :) It was very cozy. And I'm happy to say my face stopped bleeding! And it's still the same shape it was before! That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Hehe

OOO! And we had games night last night! It was SO much fun! We played molecule tag and steal the bacon or as Johnny likes to call it "borrow the stripple" which of course is much more Adventist. :P


  1. Haha, love reading your posts Moriah!! Always a bright spot in my day. :-)

    Oh, and next time you're riding behind a snowmachine, sit facing backwards. Take my experienced advice... :p

  2. I can definitely agree with Seth on that one. A good idea - better yet - um - ride on it not behind it - typically the way we role around Canada

  3. Haha, thanks guys. But I think I learned my lesson!
