Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Growing up

Today was an interesting day to be sure, I worked science lab planting the garden. Then for the next to classes we took our class pictures at the bone yard, then for the last class Johnny taught us how to make rope and I made a fire in class by rubbing a stick! It was awesome! Then the ABC truck came and me and Saraiah bought veggie meat!

Yesterday me and Morgan were talking during study hall about growing up, it just now hit me that my childhood is over! I've left home for good, there's no going back, no more blissful days of fishing, playing tag with my brothers and picnics with my dolls. I wish I could go back, it's weird how when your a kid you look forward to growing up and "doing whatever you want" but then when you reach the age you've always wanted to be you wish you could be a kid again. I remember saying to my sister that when I turned 16 I was gonna drive to walmart all by myself and by a bottle of sprite and a container of whipped cream and eat it with a spoon. That was my definition of growing up, doing what I wanted. But now that I can buy what I want I've discovered that I hate spending money! Now that daddy's magic money tree died, I guess I just realized the value of money, and the wastefulness it would be to buy whip cream with my money. I also learn to make my clothes last longer, when I was younger I would rip every pair of jeans I had by climbing trees or jumping off barn lofts or riding my horse and falling off! I still do those things, and i still rip my pants on occasion :P but the difference is that now I have to patch them myself. SO now I'm a lot easier on my clothes! The most important thing I've learned in the past year is the value of Bible study. I always read my Bible before but I never actually studied it, I just read it so I could check devotions off my list of things to do. Where as now I find myself excited about what I'm learning, and actually anticipating the next time I can find a quiet spot to read it. It's so amazing how God has been changing me! I'm not the same person I was when I came to Fountainview, I still have a looooong ways to go, but by Gods grace I'll get there slowly, day by day.

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